A tournament where you will decide who will be the challenger for the Artist of Stardom Championship to be held at Korakuen on January 13th. The next day, the winners on the second day of Nagoya, will challenge Nakano Tamu, Anno Saori and Natsupoi at Korakuen. In one of the first rounds, the team will be starring Hazuki, Iida Saya and Mukogo Momo from STARS and Mizumori Yuna, Sakura Aya and Kurei Sayaka from Cosmic Angels.
Hazuki and Sakura started off as starting pitchers. Sakura charges in at the same time as the gong, then repeatedly drop kicks and then elbows. When Hazuki takes the ball and stands, he turns his target for the body slam and slams him in the opposite direction. Hazuki repeatedly slams and sent in a stomp. Mukaigo skewed and then dropped kicks into Sakura. Iida leveled backwards to Sakura. The situation continues in reverse horizontal position even after the match. Hazuki also pours the chop into the cherry blossoms. Hazuki washes her hair whipped and her face. STARS locks him in his own corner once more, and Iida levels his back level with Sakura. Iida stands on Sakura's blow. Sakura takes it and tries to stand up, and Iida blows it away with one hit. Sakura hits Iida's charge with a middle kick and entrusts it to Kurei. Kurei dropkicks Iida. Iida and Mukogo attempt to combine, but Kurei drops Mukogo under the ring and drops Iida and gets a body slam. Iida responded, and turned around to aim for a neckbreaker, elbowed and reversed. Kurei also holds back and fights back the elbow. Iida hits backwards horizontally. Kurei dodged the lariat and dropped kick and elbow attack. Iida and Hazuki joined together, Iida was a lariat and Hazuki was penalty. Mukaigo kicks a swan dive type missile to Kurei. Kurei dodges 619 but gets a diving body attack. Mukai then submissions to Kurei. Kurei then drops after facing off, and Sakura and Mizumori pinch a blow. Mukaigo responded, and Hazuki cut Mizumori's charge, and Mukaigo was 619. STARS decides to Mizumori as the combined face crusher. However, Sakura's cut was a success. Mukai flies outside the ring using a swan dive plancher. Sakura also planks out of the hall. Mukai is returned and Mizumori slams him against the mat, causing a reverse shrimp to harden. When Mukou escapes, Mizumori heads out of the body slam and heads to the corner to aim for a diving body press. Hazuki cuts and fires an avalanche brainbuster, while Iida launches an Iida rocket. Mukai wakes up Mizumori and gets a neckbreaker. However, Kozuen cuts. Iida comes with Kurei and Sakura and then with Nectar Peach. However, Mizumori gives it a comeback. Mukai is aiming for Mizumori for 619DDT. Mizumori turns around and Supergirl counts two. Mizumori makes a lariat at the counter. When Mukaigo responded, Mizumori declared a finish and became a hurricane driver. Mukai cuts back the cover but it's two counts. Kurei and Sakura divide the STARS. Mizumori catches Mugata and Sakura and Kurei combine to form a brainbuster. And Mizumori is TP Sunshine. Mukai couldn't respond, and Mizumori took the fall.
Mizumori: "Sakuraramon won the Tropy! Mukogo Momo, he paid back the debt from last year. STARS was really strong. I still want to get closer and get closer to you, whether it's high speed or a normal battle. I'll be the one to win!"
Mukogo: "I'll never lose (from under the ring)"
Mizumori: "This artist's decision match is being held, and we have to win as Kozuen, whatever we do. We're there, even Kozuen! That's right.
and challenge the top trio." Sakura: "We'll beat the top trio and become the top trio!" Mizumori: "Speak again!
" Sakura: "We'll become the top trio!" Mizumori: "Speak
" Sakura: "Speak again!"
Mizumori: "Speak again!" Sakura: "We'll become the top trio!"
Mizumori: "Speak again!"
Sakura: "We'll become the top trio!"