

High Speed ​​Championship Match



Hoshirai Mei: 2-1

*The 27th champion succeeds in defending for the fourth time
①○Hoshira (0 minutes 35 seconds, shooting star) Kashima●
②●Hoshira (3 minutes 10 seconds, solidified) Kashima○
③○Hoshira (1 minutes 23 seconds, shrimp solidified) Kashima●


The rules for the high-speed championship match have been changed from this match. The match was 10 minutes and there was a 10-count count when the match was outside the race. If the score is the same as the time limit is over, the champion will be defended. Others will be carried out in accordance with the regular pro wrestling rules. In this match, Kashima Saki announced her challenge to Hoshirai Mei after winning the high-speed battle royal. That said, due to past circumstances, he appealed to the champions without directly requesting them, and made it a reality. However, as mentioned above, new rules were adopted from this match. At the signing ceremony, Kashima expressed his dissatisfaction, saying, "People who come up with this rule are stupid." Kashima is aiming to be crowned for the second time, but what will the impact this rule have? Of course, this is a new scene that even Hoshirai, the champion who leads the high-speed front, has never seen before. What kind of fight will unfold?
The gong was pounded, and Kashima held out his hand, "Thank you very much." Kashima dodges Hoshirai's dropkick and aims to get back to life, but Hoshirai takes the first shot and one shot. The second one started, but Kashima was under the ring. When Hoshirai chases after him, Kashima returns and complains, "Don't buy time." When Hoshirai returns, it rolls up. Kashima responds and Hoshirai kicks a missile from the second. Kashima cuts back at Hoshirai's brainbuster and crosses his arms from Corvata. Hoshirai escapes and elbows. Kashima gets big boots from Shoryuken. However, Hoshirai covers from above. Kashima returns with a high kick, palm bottom, and double-arm face buster. Hoshirai responded just before the end, and Kashima took a fall with a super hot fire. In the third round, Kashima kicked repeatedly and then double armed. Hoshirai made a comeback and repeatedly hit a torres kick. Kashima is revived with big boots at the counter. When Hoshirai responds, he gets a rolling sobat on the counter and a drop kick. When Kashima responds, Hoshirai lifts him up and aims for the bomb. Kashima makes a comeback, but Hoshirai tries again and slams him with a goodbye bomb. Kashima couldn't respond, and Hoshirai managed to defend. Hoshira: "I surpassed Saki and succeeded! I feel like I've overcome the trauma of Kashima Saki and Mei that I've managed to overcome."
Kashima: "I won one from the champion, so let me become the champion..."
Hoshira: "Then, get closer... Oh, I won't get close, let's play with this belt again soon."
Kashima held out his hand, and Hoshira responded, despite his vigilance.
Kashima: "I'll be fine for the high-speed title match for a while,"
Kashima left the show.
Hoshirai: "I think that these new rules will be a little bit more, well, even for a variety of players and players who are not high-speed, with this rule, so please look forward to Mei from now on. Thank you very much."