
NEW YEAR STARS 2025 in MATSUYAMA EHIME 14th anniversary of Stardom's launch "New Year Unit Competition League Day 1"

New Year Unit Competition League - Blue Block - 3rd round

7 minutes 2 seconds

Hanami: One-spring hard

○E neXus V (4-2) STARS●


A unit-to-play league match between STARS and EneXus V. STARS will be played with Iwatani Mayu, Hanami, Iida Saya, Hazuki, Coguma, Mukogo Momo, and EXV will be played with Maika, Shirakawa Mina, Tsukiyama Waka, HANAKO, and Rin. EXV's Maika, Shirakawa, and HANAKO have returned to the United States. Can we use the results of our expeditions in unit competitions?
The first one is Iwatani, Hanami, Iida vs Maika, Tsukiyama, and HANAKO. Maika and Iida start off with each other and slam their shoulders. Maika overcomes and Tsukiyama appears. Tsukiyama hits Iida repeatedly with hip bats. STARS triple drop kick. Iida tore his T-shirt and double chops at Tsukiyama. Iwatani gives Tsukiyama a foot stamp, a soccer ball kick, and a back-sized shrimp. Tsukiyama passes away from Iwatani and drop kicks. Maika is a shoulder tackle. Iida burst into the bust as he aims for the brainbuster. However, Maika pushes the two into a skewered lariat and Iwatani gives a shoulder tackle. Iwatani rolls it up and then drop kicks. Hanami attacks Maika from behind. Maika also returns to her power slam. HANAKO hits a shoulder tackle to Hannan, and Hannan flies, but HANAKO catches him and gives him a backbreaker. When Hanami responds, Iida and jumping chop compete. STARS aims for a combined face crusher in the trio, but is cut. HANAKO and Tsukiyama are combined pressed from Maika's Lariat. Hanami responds and HANAKO becomes a brainbuster. HANAKO lifts up Hannan, but is rolled up. Hanami rolls up from Iida's lariat. HANAKO returns and gives them big boots. Iwatani fell on slingblade and Hanami fell on HANAKO in Seventeen. The second one is Hazuki, Coguma, Mukogo vs Shirakawa, Tsukiyama, and Rin. The FWC and STARS work together to attack Rien. Mukou gets Rien and body slam. Cogma and Hazuki continue with body slam. Cogma throws one more body slam and stomps on his abdomen. Hazuki washes Rien's face and face lock. Riang drop kicks Hazuki from Corbata. Shirakawa skewered Hazuki and elbowed a Corvata style Kawazu drop. Coguma bursts in and joins Hazuki. Shirakawa dodged the ball and then went to Hazuki and DDT. Shirakawa and Hazuki exchange elbows. Hazuki fires a missile kick, Cogma fires a body attack, and Mukaiga fires a missile kick at Shirakawa. Shirakawa responds and Mukaigo aims for the suplex. Shirakawa dodged, Tsukiyama and Rikan have back elbows, combined Gokurakudon, and Shirakawa has sling blades from the top. However, he was cut and did not reach 3 counts. Shirakawa aims for a reverse DDT after moving on. Mukou dodges, Cogma is a neckbreaker, Mukouga is a 619, and a combined face crusher with STARS. After that, Shirakawa has a modified swing neck breaker. A finish is predicted but it is rounded up. Shirakawa blocks a traitor kick and wins the fall with the Glamorous Collection MINA. The third one is Iwatani, Hanami, Mukaigo vs Maika, Shirakawa, and HANAKO. Maika doesn't touch her afterwards, but entrusts her to HANAKO. HANAKO slams the ball with a body slam and drops Shirakawa into a Tornillo press style. HANAKO cornered Mukaiga into the corner and repeatedly stomped. HANAKO's charges and then he gets a trammer kick and a body attack. Iwatani dropkicks to HANAKO. HANAKO read the movement and got big boots. Iwatani kicks a traurs. HANAKO charges from the backflip, but Iwatani is German. HANAKO stands up, lifts Iwatani and backdrops. Hannan and Mukaigo fly out of the ring with a plancha. Hannan invites Iwatani, carrying Maika, and Mukaigo kicks a missile. Hanami has a blockbuster hold on Maika. However, HANAKO cuts. Hanami aims to backdrop Maika. Maika turned around and Shirakawa elbowed. Maika and Shirakawa are combined pressed. Maika has a lariat in Hannan. When Hanami responds, Maika is aiming for Michidora. Hanami rolls it up but Shirakawa's cut is in time. HANAKO splits with Iwatani and afterwards by lariats. HANAKO catches Hanami and heads to EXV's Vena Tower. Maika is a Michinoku driver in Hanami. A three count came in, and Maika defeated Hanami. EXV won 2-1 and scored four points. The STARS scored two points.
Maika: "I'm off right now! I'm sorry I still have a little jet lag and I forgot my costume. Well, the unit competition has begun today! I wonder if EXV will win and what belt should I try. Hey, everyone."
Shirakawa: "Well, I've been jet lag so many times, I don't have mornings, noons, or nights! We were able to go to America with the three of us at EXV, and when we were really going alone, I was really sad, but they came and Maika also scored the final victory in America, and I realized the greatness of Maika's existence. That's why I want to go to get that belt together. STARS, look, I was a little lonely with such a lot of belts. The EXV era is still a long way from now on.
" Maika: "Well, I'll all end up closing for the first time in a while. To a world beyond imagination, EXV is here!"

Maika: "We managed to win the STARS without any problems"
Shirakawa: "But, isn't this the result of this match going to be tough?" Maika: "It's tough. What's more, we have fewer people than other units. Even so, we were able to win like this, so it's because we all worked together with all kinds of bonds, experience, love, knowledge, and more.
" Shirakawa: "We were last year, EXV (we formed). But, about a year, And so the number of linkages has increased. I thought we were fighting."
Maika: "But there's more and more, actually. Can we get all out in this unit competition?"
Shirakawa: "That's true. That's about the amount of things like that, something like that, that kind of thing, that kind of thing, that kind of thing, that kind of thing (laughs)
" Maika: "That's amazing. So, I definitely want to win this unit competition, we EXV!"
Everyone: "EXV is here!"