
Stardom's 14th Anniversary Tournament STARDOM Supreme Fight in KORAKUEN 2025 Feb.

20 minutes, one win

10 minutes 6 seconds

Hinana: One-spring hard


The card was changed due to Hamabe Mata's absence from injury. Initially, a three-way match between Hoshirai Mei vs Hinam vs Rien was planned, but after a change of card, Lady C joined in and formed a team with Hinam. They will face Hoshirai and Rien on the Gods Eye team.
Lady and Rien start. The lady suddenly pushes into the rope and breaks after locking up. Rian stomps on his foot and then stomps repeatedly and headlocks. The lady swings against the rope, but Rian stomps and goes to crossbody. The lady takes the Giant Swing 20 spins (Tomorrow is Rien's 20th birthday). Hinana hits three body slams on Rien in a row. The lady leveled backwards to Rian, saying, "Congratulations on your 20th!" Rien hits her elbows and goes towards her, but the lady blows her off in one shot. Rian crossbody from stunner. Hoshirai gives a lariat to the lady. However, Hinan interferes with the dash and combines with the lady. Hoshirai goes through the two and closes. Swandive missile kicks blow them all together. The lady returns and gives a big boot. Hinana skewered Hoshirai and dropped a knee attack. Hoshirai responds and drop kicks at the counter. Rian skewered and then dropped kick. When Hinan responds, Riang is in a body slam. Hinam holds back and slams him with her hips. Hinan responds with Rien rolling it up and then repeatedly hitting foot stamps. Rien is in a fisherman position. Hinan holds back and charges in with a skewer. Riang dodged the ball and scored a Corbata after Hoshirai's assist. Riang uses body slam to Hinan. When Hinan responds, Riñan is aiming for a fisherman. Hinana turns around and plays a concert between Lady and Neckbreaker. Hina slams him with a modified rock bottom, but Rian responds. Hinan declared a finish, and when Riñan turned around, Hoshirai's assist went from rolling up. but. Lady's cut is in time. The lady holds Rien's charge and Hinana gives a neckbreaker. Hinan declares a finish and changes the transformed Jack Hammer with a long airtime. Riang couldn't return and Hinan took the fall.