
Stardom's 14th Anniversary Tournament STARDOM Supreme Fight in KORAKUEN 2025 Feb.

Artist of Stardom Championship Match

18 minutes 12 seconds

AZM: Azumi Sushi

*Nakano, Natsupoi, and Anno fail to defend for the third time. Kid, AZM, and Amasaki become the 34th champions


Artist of Stardom champions Nakano Tamu, Natsupoi and Anno Saori will be challenged by Neo Genesis in their third defense match. Neo Gene won the unit league and announced his challenge to become the artist, Goddess. First, they aim to win the artist title with Starlight Kid, AZM, and Amasaki Mitsuyoshi. For NeoGene, who won the unit league and has declared that they will win the title in the unit, the artist's belt-taking, which is the unit's title, is a great start, so I would definitely like to make it a point. Meanwhile, the Cosmic Angels' top trio took it from E neXus V and defeated H.A.T.E. and Kozen. And this time, it's the first time I'm taking on Neo Gene. Winning this match will likely be the main player in the unit struggle.
Before the gong, Neo Gene attacks a surprise dropkick, and AZM, Kid, and Amasaki attack Natsupoi and dropkick. Amasaki skewered elbows, and Natsupoi dropkicks. Anno kicks a missile at Tensaki. Nakano pushes Amasaki into the corner and attacks. Nakano and Natsu-like, and Anno gets a back kick, big boots and drop kick with trio. Amasaki replied and elbowed. Nakano stood with an elbow saying, "Is that so?" and "Go on more." Amasaki charges in and Nakano turns around to aim for the DDT, and Amasaki jumps to score a DDT. Kid dropkicks Nakano. Natsupoi stops Kid, but Kid runs into each other and gets a corpus to Nakano. Kid attacks Anno and jumps in Moonsalt Press. Nakano responds and Kid aims for Fisherman. Nakano turned around and dropped kicked, "Don't underestimate it." Natsupoi's body attacks, cross arms and stiff arms. Kid dodged Natsupoi's drop kick and returned from the apron to the leg breaker, dragon screw, and ring to the stretch muffler. AZM captures Anno and Amasaki supports Kid. When Natsupoi escapes, the kicks intersect. Natsupoi gets elbowed, and Kid takes it and steps on his feet, kicking him in the knee. Kid drop kicks on his knees, and Natsupoi hits a continuous elbow. Natsupoi takes it, "Come on!" and then pretends to kick back. Kid is a brainbuster. The Kid also has a swivel diving body press that is dodged like a natsu. Natsupoi is causing a kid and aims for fairing rings. When the Kid turns around, Nakano and Torrerskick appear in a competition, Natsupoi dropkick and forcibly litter German. Kid double knee attacks from the back. Natsupoi is down with a back kick. AZM dodged the medulla and fired a series of brainbusters at Anno, and Anno also retorted the brainbuster, and 10 minutes passed. AZM dodged Anno's charge, and Neo Gene received a triple drop kick. AZM's armpits stiffen from the missile kick to Anno. When Anno escapes, Natsupoi bursts in and an elbow is played by AZM, Anno and Natsupoi perform a traitor kick, and AZM and Kid are hit by AZM and Kid, and they head to the corner in two directions. AZM and Kid play an avalanche arm whip to diving foot stamps, and the champions play Germans in a trio. The champions are in the trio and go up to the corner and dive in three directions, Nakano and Natsupoi go outside the ring, and Anno gets a missile kick to AZM and fisherman. AZM hits Anno with a high kick and holds it with a German. When Anno returned, the challengers combined to slam Anno, Kid made a rotating diving body press and AZM gave a diving foot stamp. However, Nakano and Natsupoi cut off. AZM declares a finish with a buzz saw kick, and Anno aims for the Canadian Destroyer. Anno turned around and German. However, AZM gives it back. 15 minutes passed, Anno thrusts, and Natsupoi gives a fairy gift. Nakano is Tiger to AZM. However, Kid and Amasaki succeeded in cutting. "Don't decide!" Nakano touched, and Anno was tantan tandoru. However, Kid's cut is in time. Anno is aiming for Japanese Ocean at AZM. He cuts back with Azumi Sushi, but Anno returns at the very last minute. Anno cuts the medulla and AZM is a numeral undino. Anno's potatoes and Amasaki cuts it. Amasaki gives Anno a DDT, AZM and Amasaki double slam Anno onto the mat, but Natsupoi cuts it. Kid divides the game with a Tiger Driver, looking like a Natsu. AZM has an Anno double-arm Canadian Destroyer (one-do-gari) and Azumi Sushi. Three counts came in, and AZM pinfalled Anno.
AZM: "I got the belt! Me, AZM? AZM? Thank you, hahaha. (To Azumicoll) Wow, thank you. Thank you! I've returned my pink belt for the first time in five years! Ah, I'm happy. Oi, Nakano Tam, who's Kid's shit? Don't underestimate it, you're senior! Well, I'm so happy that this member has gotten the belt. I'm so happy that I can't speak at all, what should I do? That's right. Sorry I can't turn my head around. Well, Neo Genesis has two double crown champions. That's amazing. Neo Genesis will continue to snatch up all the belts, so please look forward to it. And after this, Suzuki Suzu will be challenged with the red belt, so please support Suzuki Suzu too."

AZM: "Neo Genesis has taken the artist! I'm so happy."
Kid: "This is what we won the league match..."
AZM: "I'm not the flow is perfect now?"
Kid: "It's perfect."
AZM: "I've always wanted to wrap my belt around Mitsuyuki and Kid was on the diagonal side for a while, and finally we were able to wrap the belt together."
Kid: "That's true."
AZM: "I'm sure this is a very valuable victory. Nakano Tamu said it was Kid's shit."
Kid: "Retract."
AZM: "Yes, really. But I think Nakano Tamu has sparked a fire, and I'm very grateful to the Cosmic Angels. I want to play Natsupoi, Saori and Tamu. I took it again because Natsupoi."
Kid: "I took Wonder and the artist from Natsupoi. There's nothing to take anymore (lol). But Natsupoi didn't have a favorite eye. In fact, I've won Best Units many times, and I've taken it from the most powerful trio of Stardom, and I'm sure we're proud to say that we, Neo Genesis, are the center of Stardom units!"
AZM: "Yes, yes, yes. I think just taking it is worth it, and I'll continue to increase its value over Cozen."
Kid: "Yes, there's something I wanted to say if I took it. The top trio is a little too strong."
AZM: "Strong"
Kid: "But, we've taken it from that top trio, we're even stronger. But I think artists can help even more young players. There's also Mitsuyuki, the Future champion, and it's fine to be a trio with a career with young players, or just a trio with young players, and Future and New Not just BLOOD, but younger players can also be accused of them. With so many units and players, we should revitalize them with artists within Stardom. I'm thinking. The best was a little too strong.
AZM: "That's fine, but we won, so we're here." Kid: "We're strong." AZM: "Mitsuyuki
said that."
Kid: "(The artists) are like the unit's axis.
Amasaki: "I thought the unit's axis was something that challenged me, but I think I'll join Neo Genesis and be at the center of this, and I hope everyone will be like that."
Kid: "Even from that point, there might be a possibility that it could lead to Future and Wonder. I think it's okay to come even more."
Amasaki: "And speaking of Future, it's HANAKO this time. I've decided on a challenger, but what do you think?"
Kid: "Where will you do it?"
Amasaki: "Next, there's an expedition. Last day (2/12) Osaka?"
AZM: "It's fine, in Kansai."
Amasaki: "It's Kansai, so it's right? (Kyoto) next time. I'm not in Kyoto this time. I'll be waiting in Osaka. I'm looking forward to it."
Kid: "Neo Genesis..."
The three of them: "Please."