
"STARDOM in KOBE 2025 Feb."

20 minutes, one win

12 minutes 24 seconds

Hanami: Blockbuster Hold


Stars' Hanami and Cosmic Angels' Sakura Aya play one-on-one. Sakura, who is from Kobe, will be returning to her hometown. Challenge for the Senjo Junior Championship. Sakura is given opportunities, including challenging the Artist of Stardom Championship and challenging the UWF rules, but there is also a reality that she has not achieved results. Most recently, he lost to Deanna's Nanami in the 2.5 "NB18." Former Future of Stardom Champion and current Goddess of Stardom Champion, Hannan is a high-ranking wall, but he wants to find a way through.
Sakura also responds to Hanan asking for a handshake and gong. A call is sent to Sakura, who is returning to the triumphant, and from the lockup they fight back. Sakura takes her arm and Hanami also takes it back. Hanami tightens it up with a headlock, and Sakura also cuts back to the headlock and heads out to the ground. When Hanami escapes, Sakura drops and knee drops. To aim for the body slam, Hanami turns around and slams him in the opposite direction. Hannan attacks from the rear. Sakura responds and Hanami gets a sleeper, a sickle, and a neck lock. Sakura escapes, and Hanami repeatedly stomps. Sakura elbowed towards him, and Hanami provoked him, "Go come more!" Sakura's repeated hits Hannan thrust her chest out. Sakura gets elbowed, but she drops at the counter and gets a body slam. Hannan was swung in the corner, flipped, and body attack Sakura dodged, jumped and went to a triangular choke. Hanami cuts back and Sakura fights back. The elbows exchanged, and Hanami hit a series of hits. Sakura collapses, but Hanami's charges and a drop kick and a trawler kick. Hanami reads first and elbow smashes. Sakura stands up, but Hanami is a famemasa. Both players are down and Hanami charges in, and Sakura hits a series of middle kicks. Hanami provokes him by saying, "Come!", and Sakura continues to hit a series of middle-range shots and sends him out of the ring and flys with a plancha. Sakura returns Hanami to the ring and knee attacks from the corner, saying, "Let's decide!" When Hannan responds, he flips in the corner and gets a famma from a body attack. After Sakura responds, Hanami appeals, "We'll finish it!" and aims for a blockbuster, Sakura holds back and goes to a triangular choke. 10 minutes have passed. When Hanami escapes, Sakura screams and starts up the opponent and double restore arm saults. Sakura responds and gives a high kick to Hanami, saying, "I'll decide!" He goes to a kick combination, but Hanami dodges him. Sakura rolls up and charges, and Hanami holds a blockbuster. Sakura responds and Hanami aims for a backdrop. Sakura cut back and dodged a high kick and got a backdrop, then Hannan grabbed a blockbuster hold to get a 3 count.
Hanami: "Sakura, first, congratulations on your triumphant return! It's so much fun, I understand. Winning a triumphant return is even more fun. I can't let my juniors surpass it. I'm active in other organizations, and I'm jealous too. But the next generation race is still Hanami!"
Sakura: "I couldn't win my third triumphant return. But I'm prepared to become the next generation ace of Stardom, or even the next generation ace of the women's pro wrestling world! I will become the next generation ace of the women's pro wrestling world, and will liven up the stardom with the younger players! Thank you, Hanami, for taking on the triumphant return match today! I will definitely achieve results and return to Kobe with my belt, so please support me!"