STARS' Hazuki, Coguma and Mukogo Momo and EneXus V's Maika, HANAKO and Rinan teams face off in a six-man tag team match. The big highlight is the clash between the two teams over the tag title of another organization, including the OZ Academy certified tag team champion Hazuki and Coguma, and Maika and HANAKO, who have decided to challenge the Senjo Tag Team Championship.
When Coguma recruited people who wanted to play a bear, Riang cheerfully ran for the event, saying, "Hey!" They approached with a bear pose and the two of them posed. Rien asks for a high five and rolls up when Coguma responds. When Cogma returns, Riño whip and Cogma fights back. Coguma feints with a bear pose after the exchange of covers. Rien also showed a bear pose, and STARS burst into the scene, attacking with a trio, and then dropped kicks from three directions. Coguma captures Rien and forces him to pose. Riang is "happy" when he gets a bear. Cogma decides a non-forced bear pose in four directions. Mukaigo fires three body slams in a row on Rien. However, Maika cuts. Hazuki gives Rian hair whipped and face wash. When Rien responds, Hazuki provokes a body slam, "Fight back," and gets hit by a string of elbows and gets hit by repeatedly hitting her. Rian crosses over Hazuki. HANAKO gives Hazuki a shoulder tackle. Koguma enters, but Maika also enters, and skewered attacks with HANAKO and big boots are played. HANAKO attacks Hazuki with Argentina with a skewered body. Hazuki kicks missiles to HANAKO. HANAKO caught the body attack afterwards, and then he replied with a backbreaker and body pressed. Rien then moves and drop kicks, corvata and drop kicks. Mukaigo responds and dodges Rien's charge and gets an arm breaker and body attack. After returning Rien, she submissions. Maika cuts and then backdrops after facing off. Rian uses HANAKO as a foot stamp. The STARS combines face crusher, and Rien returns to Mukaigo's cover. Rian rolls it up but is cut just before the end. Mukou is Rian and a neckbreaker. Rien rolls it up, but Mukaigo returns and drops at the counter, then Nectar Peach. Riang couldn't respond and Mukaigo won.