
"STARDOM in SENDAI 2025 Feb."

6-person tag match

14 minutes 11 seconds

Maika: Michinoku Driver II → One-spring hard


E neXus V's Maika, HANAKO, Tsukiyama Waka, and Cosmic Angels' Natsupoi, Anno Saori and Sakura Aya clash in a six-man tag match. Maika & HANAKO group will be taking on the Senjo Junior Championship, held by Senjo Tag Team Champions Iwata Mika & Takase Miyuki, and Sakura, in Sendai Girls 3, 19 Yoyogi, to take on the Senjo Junior Championship, held by ChiChi Chi Chi of Evolution. Maika, HANAKO, and Sakura will continue to play games with other organizations looking to seize the belt.
Sakura calls herself the starter. HANAKO appears from EXV. HANAKO is the headlock. Sakura tries to swing, but HANAKO continues to tighten without letting it go. Sakura cuts back and headlocks, then moves to the ground and gets a drop kick when she stands up. HANAKO holds back and gives a shoulder tackle. Tsukiyama and HANAKO work together to attack Sakura, and the combined hip drops. Sakura responds and Tsukiyama hits a series of hip bats. Sakura stops her and repeatedly stomps her, then secures her to the rope and then middle kicks her to the hips. Natsupoi continues, attacking her hips. He then bites Tsukiyama's finger. Kozuen gives Tsukiyama a combined dropkick. Anno pushed Tsukiyama into the corner and then repeatedly chops into the hips and then drop kicks. Tsukiyama overtakes Anno and drops kicks and a hip attack. HANAKO swings shoulder tackles one after another to Kozuen, and Anno in Argentina. HANAKO pushes Sakura and Anno into the corner, skewered shoulder tackle, and knee-dropped Anno. Anno prevents him from aiming for a brainbuster, but is blown away with a shoulder tackle. However, Anno gets a missile kick and a drop kick. Natsupoi diving body attacks to HANAKO and crosses her arms. Hanako turned his way to aim for the fairing ring, and he made a brainbuster. Maika charges in like a natsu. Natsupoi dodges and arm whip. Maika holds back and catches a traitor kick. Natsupoi and Maika exchange elbows. Natsupoi jumps and gives a deformed zanji. When Maika escapes, Natsupoi dashes for a drop kick. Maika is reading it and it's a power slam. Natsupoi cuts back at the brainbuster and kicks a trawler. Sakura skewers Maika with a knee kick and a drop kick. Maika responds and stops Sakura's charge and gets a body slam. Sakura hits a series of middle kicks, and Maika stops and falls away slam. 10 minutes have passed. Sakura dodges Maika's charge, Kozuen combines with Sakura in a middle kick. When Maika responds, Sakura's goal of suplex is also attacked by a middle-range hit. Tsukiyama cuts Sakura's charge, with HANAKO getting a body slam, a trio getting a trait kick, and HANAKO getting a lariat. However, Sakura gives it back. Maika declared the finish, but Natsupoi kicked a traitor, Anno cut off a medullary slash, Sakura diving knee attack, double rest arm sail, and Maika responded, Sakura choked a triangular choke. However, Tsukiyama cuts. Sakura's kick combination, Maika overcomes her backdrop. Sakura dodged the lariat and got a high kick. However, Maika's rises higher. Sakura again thrusts her to give up with a triangle choke. Maika lifts her up and HANAKO gets big boots, while Maika and HANAKO lift Sakura up and slam her against the mat. And then Maika is a Michinoku driver. Three counts came in, and Maika won.
Maika: "Sakura, you've become stronger. You're going to have a title match on March 19th, Sendai (Yoyogi) You're going to have a title match (Senior Junior). We'll also be having a title match on the HANAKO and the Cup HighMate (Senior Tag) (Senior Tag) (Senior Tag) in the HANAKO and the Cup HighMate (Senior
Tag) (Senior Tag) as a stardom representative, I'll leave a claw mark on the senor!" Sakura: "Maika-san, I'll never
do anything lukewarm to leave claw marks on the senor! I'll definitely take Senor's junior belt!" Maika: "That's good. I'm getting stronger and stronger. But, on March 1st, before that, I'll be playing the Hashimoto Chihiro match here at Sendai (Senior Senoru PIT) on March 1st."
Hashimoto appeared, bowing to the headquarters and heading to the ring.
Hashimoto: "Maika, I won't get any cards for next week, so now, I've come today. I'm going to say that next week's single match between me and Maika in Sendai... but now. Listen. I want to face you well once I achieve my goals. So wait a little while. Next week, on March 1st, Sendai will team up with Aimi. Maika will come in at the cup HighMate. Hey, HANAKO!"
Maika: "Hashimoto, March 1st will be NEW Sorry for the title match between BLOOD and HANAKO (NB Tag); but I'll definitely find the right opponent and go to Sendai PIT on March 1st!
Hashimoto: "Wait, wait. As long as it's not HANAKO, HANAKO was good, and everyone is the same now. I want to decide today, so decide,"
Natsupoi took the microphone.
Natsupoi: "Anyone? So, what do you think of me?"
Hashimoto: "I said it's fine for anyone, but that's fine too. I've never forgotten my promise to Natsupoi. Let's do it."
Natsupoi: "Maika-chin, what do you
think?" Maika: "Of course it's fine! Sometimes Natsupoi was in the same unit, and on March 1st, Hashimoto Chihiro, Aimi, Natsupoi, Maika would be fine!"
Hashimoto: "Now, it's impossible for these two to team up with this stardom. You can watch it at Sendai Girls next week, so please look forward to it. Hey HANAKO, do your best! On March 1st, Hashimoto Chihiro, Aimi vs Maika, and Natsupoi, so please take care of it."
Hashimoto left.
Natsupoi: "Maika-chin, please join us for the first time"
Maika: "I hope you will be the one to help us out."