The Hazuki, Coguma and Mukogo Momo from STARS, the Maika, HANAKO and Rinan from EneXus V, and the Watanabe Momo from Tekura and Ruka from H.A.T.E., will be a 3-way match in a six-man tag match. Tag champion classes such as Hazuki & Coguma, Maika & HANAKO, and Momo & Tekura clash at once.
Maika and Tekura glare at each other, and when Koguma breaks in, "The one who wants to play a bear," Rien runs for office. Koguma and Rien shake hands and begin the bear pose. Then Ryuuku and Tekura cut from behind. However, Coguma and Rian compete in a crossbody. Soon, Coguma gets body slam on Rian. Mukaigo hits Rien with a drop kick and three double knee drops on his right arm, then takes his arm and goes into the submission. Mukai is cut, but then dropkicks Rian. Hazuki gives Rien a body slam, Cogma and double elbow, Hazuki gives Senton and Cogma body presses. However, HATE retreated and headed out of the race. On the ring, Tekra attacks Riang by securing him on the rope. The tekura is made of Ricion, a scythe, and peaches are included to make it a penalty. A brainbuster with double peaches and techra. As Momo kicks Rien in the face, Tekura also supports her. Riñn heads towards him, but Momo kicks him off, "There's no way he can hear you!" Maika charges and lariats, Rian gets a corvata and drop kick. HANAKO gives a shoulder tackle to the peach. The combination of Ryuukuka with Momo is also HANAKO's crossbody. Hazuki and Coguma combine, but HANAKO is a brainbuster together. He pushed Mukai to the corner and skewered him. Maika exchanges Hazuki and elbows. Maika defeats Hazuki's round-up, with Peach as Aoi Magi sword and Maika as a lariat. Maika, Hazuki, and Momo hit each other with elbows. Peach stroking the two of them in the faces. Maika and Hazuki combine to attack them by skewering. Coguma pushes Maika and Momo into a skewered body attack, while Momo drops Maika and repeatedly hits mid-kicks. Maika intercepts with a lariat and gets a brainbuster. Momo elbows as Maika charges. Ryuuuka is a lariat, and HATE attacks one after another. Momo kicks in a middle kick, and HANAKO also cuts out the performance of Tekura and Buzz Saw. 10 minutes have passed. From the close battle, Tekra flies out of the ring with a plancha. After moving on to the venue, I went outside using a swan dive plancher. Maika is returned and Hazuki and Koguma are combined. Maika turns around and Momo and Ruka attack a murder weapon. Tekura chokes Maika into a throbbing position, but Peach's bat accidentally explodes. Maika scored a 3 count with Tekura and Michidora. After the match, Tekra left the show after complaining to President Okada, who was in the headquarters.