Sakura and Yagami are starting. Mizumori taps Sakura on the back and sends him out. Sakura tackles from Low's threat. The ground fights and fights against each other. The game moves to standing and Yagami tightens it with a headlock. Sakura swings on the rope and gets at her mercy, then drop kicks. Yagami thrusts Sakura's lunges at Sakura's lunge and thrusts her arms into her. Mizumori tries to cut it, but Hinana stops it and stretches the surfboard. Yagami continues to stiffen his arms. When Sakura escapes, Yagami receives an armbreaker and knee drop. Sakura responds and Yagami kicks a soccer ball. Hinana fires three body slams in a row on Sakura. Hinan twists Sakura's arm back and covers it over and over again. When it is returned, it will harden your armpits. Yagami repeatedly stomps Sakura. Sakura goes towards her with an elbow, but Yagami stands up Nio. Yagami fought back and was also hit by Sakura's elbow hits. Sakura dropkicks Yagami's charge. Mizumori dropkicks Yagami. When I tried another shot, Hinan burst into the door. Squid Mizumori divides the two, and one after another, lariats and running body presses Yagami. Yagami dodged the charge, skewered, elbowed, and kicked a soccer ball. Hinana skewered Mizumori and elbow attacked and dropped kicked. Mizumori responds and turns against Hina's reverse shrimp target, drop kick and guillotine drop. Hinami returns, and backbreakers and a back-shelled shrimp, and a STF. However, Sakura cuts it. Hinami sweeps as Mizumori's charges, Mizumori has a diving shoulder tackle, and Hinami has a modified rock bottom. Sakura and Yagami dodge the kicks. When Yagami scores a drop kick, Sakura and a middle kick exchange. Both provoke, "Come!" and stand in response to the opponent's middle-aged position. Sakura defeats him in the middle, but Yagami fights back with the middle of the counter. Yagami skewered high kick and drop kick. Sakura responds and Yagami crosses her arms. Sakura cuts back and aims for a triangular choke, but Yagami cuts back and enters the armcross. Mizumori cuts it out and pinchs Sakura, Lariat, and Middle. Hinan and Yagami compete in dropkicks. Mizumori and Sakura fight back with a dropkick competition. Sakura flies in a plancha to Hinan and Yagami, who are sent out of the ring. Sakura returns Yagami to the ring, then sends a missile kick, a skewer round kick, and a soccer ball kick from the corner. Yagami responds and dodges Sakura's charge and crosses her arms. When Sakura escapes, Yagami kicks the penalty kick and kicks his left arm and covers him. However, Sakura's shoulders rise. Sakura elbows, and Yagami fights back. Yagami repeatedly kicks his left arm, then takes his head, but Sakura cuts back and charges in. Hinana then puts his arms on and combines with Hinana's neckbreaker, and Yagami goes back to the reverse DDT. However, Mizumori's cut is in time. Mizumori is divided into Hinan by a lariat. Yagami kicks a zero fight as Sakura's charge. Yagami screams "All over!" and aims to kick Yagami. Sakura dodges, Mizumori takes over, Sakura gets a high kick, and Northern Lights. Yagami responds and Sakura hits a string of high kicks. Yagami couldn't return. Sakura wins. He has won the right to challenge the NB Tag Team Championship. After the match, Sakura spoke to Yagami and Yagami thrusts Sakura away.