The Gassen Waka and the HANAKO group are defending their first NEW BLOOD Tag Team Championship. The other group is Nanami and Himiko from the other organizations Deanna. Many people wanted to try it out in the last NEW BLOOD18. Among them, the first chance was Nanami from God's Eye, and Himiko, who took the chance in the NB at the age of 52 and had three years of career. What kind of battle will the champion team show against an unusual team? The winner of this match will be challenged by the tournament winner of this tournament in the next title match.
Himiko asked for a handshake and everyone shook a clean handshake. HANAKO and Himiko started in the match. Himiko hits a string of elbows, and HANAKO reverses and fights back, and Himiko returns. Tsukiyama enters and a hip drop combines with HANAKO. HANAKO pushes Himiko into the corner, repeatedly stomping and stomping, stompinging at the neck. HANAKO returns to the center and forces them to give up the reverse shrimp. However, Himiko reaches the rope and rolls it up, and HANAKO holds back the arm whip and makes a body slam. Himiko dodged the charge and dropped kick. Nanami slams HANAKO into the shoulder. Nanami ran, "HANAKO you're coming," and then thrusts each other into the shoulders. Nanami overcomes and skewered elbow attack. HANAKO gives a return gift of shoulder tackle from a skewered body attack. HANAKO is causing Nanami and targeting Argentina. Nanami cuts back and repeatedly hits elbows. HANAKO and Lariat are also lariats, Nanami dodged them and went to sleeper. Himiko blocks Tsukiyama from cutting. However, HANAKO's feet reach the rope. Nanami secures HANAKO to the rope and attacks her body from behind. When you get back, you'll be up to the corner. HANAKO stands up, but Nanami goes to sleep from above. HANAKO comes from the big boots to the corner and brainbuster. Tsukiyama has a crossbody with Nanami, and a continuous cover from hip drop. Nanami holds back from aiming for Gokuraku-don. Nanami stops Tsukiyama's charge and goes to Northern Lights. Himiko forces Tsukiyama to give up with a skewered elbow, a bulldocking headlock and a modified armcross. However, HANAKO cuts. Himiko has a double arm stance. Tsukiyama dodged and dropped kick. Tsukiyama fixed it to the rope and repeatedly hit hip attacks. Himiko responded and elbowed. Tsukiyama also retaliates and exchanges elbows. Himiko elbowed, "Noooo!" and got on the ball as Tsukiyama's repeated hits stick out in his chest. As you go through Tsukiyama, you will get a backdrop that is long and has a long airtime. Himiko drops guillotine from Nanami's body press. However, HANAKO successfully cut. Himiko is in a double arm position on Tsukiyama. Tsukiyama holds back and slams him with Gokurakudon. 10 minutes have passed. Nanami cuts. Tsukiyama aims for the suplex, but Nanami stops him with a shoulder tackle, and Himiko gives a double-arm face buster. However, HANAKO's cut is in time. HANAKO drop kicks between Himiko and Nanami. Tsukiyama kicks a missile from the corner to Himiko. Himiko lifted her shoulders, Tsukiyama and HANAKO combined presses, and Tsukiyama took a sunset flip from the corner. Himiko couldn't respond, and it became the defense of the Tsukiyama group.
Tsukiyama: "Hello everyone in Shibuya! We defended our first time with NEW BLOOD tag belts, HANAKO and Tsukiyama Waka! I'm glad that our first defense was Hideko and Nanami. Thank you!"
HANAKO: "Nanami, it was so much fun to collide with you for the first time in a while! I can't be satisfied with this. Hey, let's collide more."
Nanami: "Of course. Seriously, you're so big. It's a tough time defeating him. If I ever fight against HANAKO again, I'll take three counts from HANAKO, so don't forget."
Himiko takes the microphone, but Mizumori and Sakura appear.
Mizumori: "HANAKO, Congratulations on your defense!"
Sakura: "HANAKO! I decided on a partner as promised, and we've made this much of a victory. In fact, even though we're wearing the NEW BLOOD tag belt, the symbol of NEW BLOOD, it's not getting any excitement at all. It's not shining at all. Are you guys ready to turn into a NEW BLOOD face and pull it? We're prepared to do that. We've become a NEW BLOOD face and NEW All BLOOD venues will be packed and livened up even more, and we will become the next generation ace of Stardom!
HANAKO: "Hey, Sakura. You've been feeling good lately, but that's what you're doing. Are you prepared for such a flimsy attitude, and you think you can put this belt around? You were such a silly person to liven up the new band with that determination. You've spoken what you're doing after you beat me."
Himiko: "Sometimes, okay? I was in the middle of speaking. You can have youth no matter how old you are. Do you understand? Starting doesn't matter! Let's liven up the world of women's professional wrestling!"
Tsukiyama: "Yes, let's liven up the NEW BLOOD! So, everyone who came in the ring today, please come in the ring! Thank you very much for today's NEW BLOOD 19 Shibuya Tournament. This is the 20th anniversary of the next NEW BLOOD. I wonder if everyone will come. Trust in your youth and shine for tomorrow, NEW BLOOD nineteen!"
Tsukiyama: "In the NEW BLOOD 19 Shibuya tournament, we Rice or Bread defended the NEW BLOOD tag belt. First defense. It was Deanna's Nanami and Himiko. It was my first match against Himiko, but today I felt really passionate, so I think it was good that the two of them were their first defense. The next opponent is Sakuradamon."
HANAKO: "I'm aligned with Sakura. But I'm not planning to give this belt no matter who comes, and I'll grow with this belt and liven up with NEW BLOOD and our rice or bread."
Tsukiyama: "Next is NEW BLOOD 20. This is the memorable 20th tournament, so we'll be the one to close the main event next time. Now, let's have some fun!"
HANAKO: "Itadakimasu!"
Tsukiyama and HANAKO tasting rice balls and bread.