

6-person tag match

6 minutes 51 seconds

Juvia: Transformed Gory Bomb → One-spring hard


A six-man tag match between Suzuki Suzu, Juvia and Tabata groups and Hazuki, Coguma and Mukogo Momo from STARS. The mother-daughter collaboration between Juvia and Tabata, who came from Mexico, continues to participate in the Chiba tournament the day before, with Suzuki taking on the challenge of Lucha Libre. Also, Mukogo Momo, who has been expeditions in Mexico, is a card that will show his true potential. Another highlight is the Japanese-Summer Tag Team Showdown between Juvia and Tabata Group and Hazuki and Koguma Group.
Cogma called out to Mexican and the Mexican, calling out Amigo and shook hands. When Cogma begins to pose, Tabata attacks and gets booed. Tabata invites you to work on the rope and whips the arm from the top. The cogma dodges the lariat and intimidates it with the bear. He forces his arm, but Tabata cuts back and decides to pose. Juvia and Suzuki also joined in to perform together. Suzuki kicks Koguma in the face. Suzuki attacks without making him pose. Coguma said, "Lick," and neckbreaker. Hazuki washes his face from the codebreaker to Suzuki. When Suzuki runs away from Hazuki and decides to do a Corvata, he screams, "Vibamehiko!" Juvia passes through Hazuki, drop kicks and face lock. Coguma pulls his hand and lets Hazuki escape. Hazuki is thrown by Juvia and flips and kicks the missile. Mukai is 619 for Juvia. Determine a combined face crusher with STARS. Juvia responds and dodged the charge afterwards, and Tabata attacks a knee attack, and Suzuki kicks a trance. Mukairo cuts Juvia and Corbata, and Suzuki cuts. Suzuki is a colbata with Hazuki and Coguma. Arm whipped all the tabata. Suzuki attempts a top, and then Tabata flies outside the ring with Topesui Cida. Mukai rolls up the tabata but gets a lariat. Juvia secured the back to the rope and then dropped him, then slammed him with a modified gory bomb and then a three-count.