Cosmic Angels' Natsupoi, Anno Saori, Mizumori Yuna and Kurei Sayaka, and H.A.T.E.'s Konami, Ruka, Rinan, and Inaba Azusa will face off in an eight-man tag match. Kurei is excited and cut off an invitation from Uetani Saya on H.A.T.E. with a spear. Before the match between Nakano Tamu and Kamitani for the loser's departure, I want to give Nakano the baton of victory.
When Natsupoi is called at the end, Ruka attacks him from behind. H.A.T.E. isolates Natsupoi and they repeatedly attack him to his left foot. Konami kicks Natsu-poi's left leg all the time, and Ruka presses her body. Kozuen enters the cut, but H.A.T.E. splits and enters an outside battle. In the ring, Ryuukuka attacks Natsupoi. Small waves also join in there. Konami continues to attack his left foot. Azusa Natsu-poi's left foot repeatedly elbow drops. Mizumori enters the cut, but H.A.T.E. is divided. Azusa provoked her and kicked Natsupoi's head. Azusa kicks a soccer ball, and Mizumori hits a shoulder tackle, but Rinan whips his hair like a natsu and stomps his left foot. Natsupoi dodges Rinan's big boots and Anno kicks the missile. Anno escapes the close line, and Mizumori and Kurei drop kicks. Kozuen aims for Rinan to be the heel of the year, but Ruka cuts off. Kurei dropkicks Rinan. Rinan sweeps and fights back. Kurei gives Rinan a neckbreaker. HATE skewers Kurei and attacks Azusa slams him onto the mat, and Rinan has a diving double knee drop. Rinan gives a diving foot stamp to Kurei. Kurei dodges and Kozuen loses the heel in the trio. Kurei is excited by Rinan. However, Azusa cuts. When Ruka excludes Anno with a lariat, Rinan declares a finish and Hydrangea. However, Kurei's feet reach the rope. Rinan drops a diving double knee drop on Kurei, but Natsupoi tries hard to cut while dragging his legs. Konami hits Natsupoi with an umbrella. Rinan aims for the Pink Devil, but Kurei gives a Jackknife. Rinan responded and stopped Kurei and took the Pink Devil for a three-count.
After the match, Rinan dumped the referee outside the ring, attacked Natsupoi's knee, and Konami also punched him with a chair.