Shirakawa Mina and Tekura are having a fabled battle. Tekura ignores the love call sent by Maika from E neXus V. Shirakawa, who returned after a month after missing an injury, provoked Tekura. He demanded a singles match conditioned on an apology for the confusion and an unpaid fine. This will result in a one-on-one battle between the two. What kind of battle and outcome awaits?
Shirakawa took the microphone before the match. "Hey, Tekra. Everyone, turn the other way around. E neXus V will also go home, so do it one-on-one. It's okay, we'll definitely win." Tekra responds and H.A.T.E. also leaves and the second is gone. At the same time as the gong, Shirakawa drops, neckbreaker drop, and flys to Tekra when he goes outside the ring with a plancha. Tekura punches Shirakawa's charge with a bucket. He then puts a bucket over his head and kicks him up, slamming the iron pillar. When you return to the ring, Tekra hardens into the sickle, Indian Death Rock, and Buzz Saw Kick. Shirakawa responds and drop kicks him to the knee at the counter. Techra stops aiming for the figure 4. However, Shirakawa lifts it up and drops it from his knees onto the mat. It fits in the figure 4 foot, but the techra escapes. Tekura rolls up Shirakawa, who is aiming once more. Tekra goes out onto the apron and dodges the kicks. Tekra slams Shirakawa's head into the corner and dives from the corner. Shirakawa slashes medulla, rolling elbow, and DDT from the corner. Tekra responds and Shirakawa heads to the corner. The techra has also risen, and spears from the avalanche brainbuster. Shirakawa returns, Tekura aims for a poisonous gumodes drop. Shirakawa cuts back and aims for a series of elbows, back kicks, Shirakawa aims for a rolling elbow, Tekura aims for a spear and a poisonous spoon drop. Shirakawa cuts back and stiffens his legs with a figure four. Tecra managed to escape. Shirakawa also counted two counts on sling blades from the corner. 10 minutes have passed. Shirakawa aims for the glamorous driver, but Tekura turns around and elbows. Shirakawa has a lariat on the back of his knee and a modified figure-4-legged leg. H.A.T.E. burst into the door. In Ryuuhana, Shirakawa eliminates Lariat and Natsuko, and blows back into Tekura. Implant DDT. Tekra responds and Shirakawa sets up as a glamorous driver. Tekra cuts back and causes the referee to accidentally explode the elbow. Shirakawa hits Tekra repeatedly and aims for a glamorous look, saying, "It's over!" Tekura appeals, "I'm soooo. Iapollo Gyze, dogezasuru." Momo hits him with a bat from behind. Tekura holds his bat and beats him with "Okada Chatomite." Shirakawa responds, Tekura predicts the finish and drops a poisonous grooming drop. Three counts were entered and Tekra won.
Tekura: "All-ga-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-
Shirakawa: "How many times should I cry in Ota Ward? Last year, every time I returned to Japan, I lost to HATE and a special single match, and then lost today. There's no one where I'm losing to Tekura. There's absolutely no way! I'm the guy who wants to beat me as a wrestler and try the next challenge, and fight? Was he a stepping stone to fight someone who isn't a wrestler? I'm really frustrated. I have no idea what I've been doing right or what it was. I'm not a leather craft." Maika:
"It's okay. Don't cry."