27th Hoshirai Mei
July 28, 2024
Chateraise Gateau Kingdom Sapporo
vs Kamiya Saya (8 minutes 39 seconds, Checkmate)
*Uetani fails to defend for the third time
Defense history details
26th Kamiya Saya
April 27, 2024
Kanagawa/Yokohama BUNTAI
◆4WAY battle
vs Fukigen★ (6 minutes 58 seconds, Frankensteiner → Shrimp solid)
*The other two are Kashima Saki and Iida Saya *Kashima fails to defend for the first time
Defense history details
25th Kashima Saki
April 4, 2024 (local time)
2300 Arena, USA (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
◆3WAY Battle
vs Hoshirai Mei (5 minutes 4 seconds, rejuvenation)
*The other person is Chairman Ram *Hoshirai fails to defend his fifth time.
24th generation Hoshirai Mei
October 9, 2013
Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium (Dolphins Arena)
vs Kashima Saki (6 minutes 28 seconds, La Mahistral)
*Kashima failed to defend for the fourth time
Defense history details
23rd generation Kashima Saki
May 27, 2021
Ota Ward General Gymnasium, Tokyo
◆ 3WAY Battle
vs Fukigen★ (5 minutes 28 seconds, rear-rotating shrimp solid)
*The other one is the champion AZM *AZM fails to defend for the 13th time
Defense history details
22nd generation AZM
February 23, 2022,
Niigata Aore Nagaoka
vs Starlight Kid (17 minutes and 3 seconds, Numero Uno)
*Kid fails to defend for the sixth time
Defense history details
21st Starlight Kid
August 29, 2021
Bellesalle Shiodome
vs Natsupoi (16 minutes 59 seconds, Star Suplex Hold)
*Natsupoi failed to defend for the third time
Defense history details
20s Natsupoi
March 3, 2021
Nippon Budokan
vs AZM (7 minutes 41 seconds, cross arm type suplex hold)
*AZM fails to defend for the fifth time
Defense history details
19th generation AZM
July 26th, 2020
Korakuen Hall, Tokyo
◆ 3WAY Battle
vs Starlight Kid (7 minutes 10 seconds, Azumi Sushi)
*The other one is the champion Riho *Riho fails to defend for the second time
Defense history details
18th generation Riho
August 10th, 2019
Korakuen Hall, Tokyo
◆ 3WAY Match
vs Starlight Kid (4 minutes 38 seconds, Aoi Magi Sword → Shrimp Hard)
*The other person is DEATH Yama. *DEATH Yama. Failed to defend for the first time
Defense history details