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  • Statement regarding the Specified Commercial Transactions Act

Statement regarding the Specified Commercial Transactions Act

1.Sale price

920 yen per month (tax included)

(1) Viewing deadline from the payment date

Regardless of the payment date, the payment date will be up to the end of the month to which the payment date belongs.
Example: Payment date: December 1, 2019 → Viewing date: Until December 31, 2019
Payment date: December 15, 2019 → Viewing date: Until December 31, 2019
→ Viewing date: December 31, 2019 → Viewing date: Until December 31, 2019
Also, from the following month onwards, the continuation (payment) will take place on the 1st of each month.

(2)Re-enrollment after withdrawing

If you re-join after canceling your membership, you will need to pay the full monthly fee again upon joining.

2. Required fees other than the product price

Communication costs associated with using the terminal, such as provider fees and packet communication fees

3. When and how to pay

(1) Payment period

It depends on the payment timing specified in the payment method.

(2) Payment method

Credit card payment (GMO Payment Gateway)

4. Product delivery date

After the completion of the purchase, you will be able to use the service immediately.

5. Regarding returns (refunds) after delivery of products

Please note that we cannot accept returns or refunds due to the nature of the service.

6. About cancellation

Cancellation is available at any time. After canceling, you can use the service until the end of the month when you paid.
Please follow the steps below to cancel your subscription.

  1. Please move to "My Page" from the top right of the home screen.
  2. Click "Confirm Unlimited Viewing Course" to confirm your unlimited viewing agreement.
  3. Please click the "Cancel" button for the course you are currently signing up for.

7. Operating environment


Microsoft Edge (latest version)
FireFox (latest version)
Google Chrome (latest version)


Safari (latest version)
FireFox (latest version)
Google Chrome (latest version)
Since Safari does not support push notifications, you cannot receive push notifications.

iOS (Latest version + past generation)

Safari (Latest Version)
Since "Safari" does not support push notifications, you cannot receive push notifications.

Android (Latest version + past generation)

Google Chrome (latest edition)

8. Name, address, and telephone number of the business operator

Name: Bushiroad Fight Co., Ltd.

Sumitomo Nakano Sakagami Building
, 1-38-1 Chuo, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164-0011 Phone number: 03-5348-0852

  • *For inquiries regarding game use, please use the in-game inquiry form.

9. Management Responsibility

President and CEO Okada Taro

10. Contact Us

For inquiries, please click here

11. Disclaimer

If you inflict damages on the user based on reasons attributable to our company, we will compensate you for the damages within the scope provided for in these Terms of Service.