Atina, Hazuki, Coguma, and Mukaigo Momo, and H.A.T.E. Uetani Saya, Watanabe Momo, Tekura, and Ryuuukatsu group clash in an eight-man tag match. This will also be the final preliminary match for champion Atina and challenger Tekura in preparation for the ROH Women's World Championship match to be held at Korakuen on January 13th. In the previous day's match, champion Atina seems to have gained the advantage by taking the fall directly from Tekra. However, since the opponent is H.A.T.E., you should not let your guard down. Techra might be trying something to help America get the belt. This time, Atina formed a team with STARS. Cogma is a tag partner every day.
He creeps up behind Atina's call, and Tekra turns around and elbows. The battle is off-line, with Tekra torture Atina, Ruka torture Koguma and Momo torture Hazuki outside the ring. Tekra returns Atina to the ring and slams her into the corner multiple times, then stomps in the face. He then kicks a traitor from behind. Ryuukuka skewers at Atina a lariat. When Atina responds, Ryuuka locks him onto the rope and attacks with H.A.T.E. Furthermore, Ryuuuka strangles Atina with a chalk. Momo kicks him in the face, provoking him, "What's wrong, you're the champion?" Atina, who was swinging by the rope, drop kicks from a transformed Kawazu drop. However, Momo does not touch her and she sleeps. Tekra bursts in, but Atina slams them all together on the mat. Hazuki kicks a missile on Peach and face lock. Hazuki and Cogma dive from two directions, and face washes from four directions with STARS and Atina. Hazuki stands after receiving a series of peach-strokes. Momo kicks him down, but Hazuki dodges the penalty kick and becomes a codebreaker. Momo stops the charge and gets a brainbuster. Kamitani dropkicks Hazuki, skewered knee attack, skewered face, and swan dive body attack from the apron. Mukai is a swan dive missile kick, and Kamitani dodges 619, but Mukai is a drop kick. Kamitani holds out the referee and feints and drops the ball over him. Tekra nominates Atina and kicks the ball. Atina gives a skewer elbow and Tekra also gives a return with an elbow. H.A.T.E. burst into the air and skewers one after another. Tekra decides to make a spear, but Atina gives it a comeback. Tekura declares a finish and aims for the poisonous spider. As Atina held back, Hazuki cut Tekra's charge, and after 619, he got a face crusher with STARS and Atina rolled elbow. Tekra takes the box and hits him, and Atina kicks him and stops him, slams him forward. But the peach cuts. From the close, Tekra brought out the ROH Women's World Championship belt from her headquarters. Atina slams Ryuuuka onto the mat. Tekra was hit with a belt and was fouled. Tekra sends Atina a poisonous grooming drop. He stomps down the Atina and shows off his belt.
Tekra: "Atina, you're the one who's the eternal champion. I'll crush you at Cola Quen Hall tomorrow!"