
NEW YEAR STARS 2025 in OSAKA ~Day2~ "New Year Unit Competition League Day 3" commemorating the 14th anniversary of Stardom's launch

New Year's Units Competition League Blue Block 3rd Round

9 minutes 29 seconds

Kamitani Saya: One-spring hard

NEO GENESIS advances to the finals with 7 points, HATE = 6 points, COSMIC ANGELS = 5 points


Cosmic Angels vs H.A.T.E. in the unit league match. Neo Genesis has already finished its official match and is on the top of the Blue Block. For Kozuen and H.A.T.E to surpass Neo Gene's score, Kozuen is required to win two wins and one draw in three matches, and H.A.T.E. will win all three. It's difficult, but it's not an impossible number. Will Neo Gene get away and advance to the final? Or will Kozuen or H.A.T.E. get back on the way and advance to the championship match?
In the first shot, Natsupoi and Azusa dodge each other's kicks, and Azusa didn't run and he heeled off with a "barka." Azusa kicks Natsupoi's face in the face, and H.A.T.E. attacks in conjunction. Natsupoi dodges Azusa's charge and Kozuen joins in return, while Natsupoi gets a body slam. Sakura also has body slam with Azusa. Azusa responds and gets a response from elbows. Sakura lowers her mid-range and charges in. Azusa gives him a mid-range return. Ryuuku Natsu skewers into Sakura. Anno stops him, but Ryuuuka keeps making a series of cross bodies, Sakura, Sento and face lock. Sakura cuts back at Fisherman, repeatedly hits Ryuuuka with a elbow and drops at the counter. Anno kicks missiles in Ryuuhana. Rinan stops Anno and Ruka gets a lariat. Rinan has big boots and drop kicks on Anno. When Anno returns, Rinan gets big boots. Natsupoi bursts in and pinchs a dropkick, and Anno is a fisherman. When Rinan returns, Natsuko gives him the whip and beats Anno. H.A.T.E. attacks in conjunction with each other, and Rinan dives double knee drops. However, Kozuen cuts. Rinan goes up to the corner again, but Natsupoi stops him and Anno is Fisherman. Rinan stands up, Sakura gets a high kick, and Anno gets a pottering. However, Ryuuuka cuts it in a box. Natsuko and Momo burst into the air and attack, and Rinan captures Anno and holds him down from Azusa's kick. Rinan and Ruka combine to divide Kozuen. Rinan dives double knee drops on Anno, and Pink Devil. Rinan got a three count from Anno.
In the second episode, Kozuen launches a surprise attack and isolates Fukigen. He aims for a triple drop kick with Kozuen, but H.A.T.E. is pulling back. Fukigen whipped cherry blossoms. Peach stomps down Sakura's face. Fukigen kicks Sakura in the face and pinches her nose. Sakura kicks the middle at the counter. Mizumori drop kicks. H.A.T.E. cuts, Mizumori splits the gap with shoulder tackles and lariats. Mizumori drops guillotine at Fukigen. The Fukigen summing and rounding are prevented, and the lariat and rounding are exchanged. Fukigen rolls up the brainbuster from the summing, pretending to be a preview. Momo skewers into Mizumori and repeatedly drop kicks. Mizumori dropkicks at the counter. Nakano gives a neck breaker and knee attack. Momo responds and they dodge the kick. Momo defeats Nakano in the middle. He then kicked him out with a penalty kick, but he scored two counts. Peach has a chicken wing face lock on Nakano. Mizumori and Sakura dive to divide H.A.T.E., and Nakano aims for Momo to German. Azusa receives a touch, kicks him two-stage kicks, and then repeatedly hits a knee. Nakano responds and Azusa kicks a soccer ball. Kozuen also hits a pinch of a blow, but Sakura's middle pitcher is dodged and accidentally explodes on Mizumori. Azusa and Momo kick the ball into Nakano, and Fukigen gets a sinner. Nakano responds and Azusa holds the standing heel. He forcefully holds him down without allowing the escape, but Nakano responds. Nakano charges from a backdrop. H.A.T.E. bursts in, but Kozuen also enters, causing a close fight. Nakano shoots Azusa violet. It's cut but Tiger's stance. Azusa turns around and repeatedly hits in the middle. Nakano is elbowed and Azusa is in the bottom of her palm. Azusa goes to Nakano to Sister Super, but Mizumori stops, Sakura gets a high kick, and Nakano gets a 3 count with Tiger.
During the interval, H.A.T.E. attacked and the third match began. Outside the venue. Kamiya returns Kurei to form a chuckle sleeper. Kurei repeatedly hits elbows, and Kamitani whispers something, but Kurei brushes off and drops off. Ryuuku Natsu skewered body attack. Kurei jumps on Ryuuku Natsu and becomes a sleeper. Ryuuuka slams into the corner and pushes her way. Kurei dodged him and repeatedly hit drop kicks. Natsupoi drop kicks Ryuuku's knees. He scores another drop kick, but Natsuko bursts in. Natsupoi also pushes Natsuko to the ropes and receives a drop kick with Ruka. Ryuuku Natsu returns to Lariat and Senton. Ryuuuka didn't let Natsu-poi's crossbody hit him, he made it a crossbody. Natsupoi responds and Kurei repeatedly kicks back. Nakano and Kamitani have an elbow fight. Kamitani pulls his hair and slams it against the mat. Kamitani dodged Nakano's charge, and H.A.T.E. burst into the ball and attacked him, and Kamitani kicked him in a row with two-stage kicks. Natsupoi and Kurei drop kick them out of the ring, while Natsupoi plans. Natsupoi says, "Tamu-chan!" and Nakano returns to the ground, and then goes German. Kamitani responds and Nakano and Natsupoi kick a trawler. Kozuen loses the heels in the trio. Nakano shoots violet. However, H.A.T.E. successfully cut. Nakano is aiming for a vSD for Kamitani. Kamitani cuts back and kicks in a two-stage kick and spin kick. Nakano dodged the whirlwind leg and shot violet. Nakano is aiming for a vSD for Kamitani. Kamitani cuts back, Nakano holds back and Kurei spears. However, he accidentally explodes and Kamitani becomes a rotating star crusher. Nakano couldn't respond and Kamitani won.
Kamiya: "Tamu-chan, Tamu-chan, Tamu-chan! You don't seem to be healthy, okay? You really look good in such a miserable appearance. Nakano Tamu, your days are over. Let's go home quickly."
Rinan: "Hey Anno Saori, I don't know what you're aiming for right now, but this is me who won today. I'll take Kid's head. Don't get in the way!"
Anno: "Hey damn brat, you're a good player. It's fine, I'll fight you before Kid."
Kozuen goes down the ring.
Natsuko: "Now go home quickly. How about, Okada. The final of this unit tournament? We're going to play in Shinkiba? Well, we're not going to Shinkiba anymore. It's really nothing to do with it. Starting up? I don't know what year it's going to be, but we're going to have it, that's it."
Momo: "I might even have a plan to go to the sidelines too. Hey, Fukigen."
Fukigen: "Das!"
Azusa: "I'll defeat that damn champion, Amasaki, and I'll be back in Osaka as the new champion, so look forward to it, perverted shitty old men!"
Kamitani: "Serves, 2nd Korakuen tournament, the red belt match, get on your knees! Goodbye to this damn unit league match forever."

Anno: "Rinan, that vibrantness and cheekiness are amazing. I think he's a really good player. I wonder if this will be the trigger? Before the Kid."
Mizumori: "It's okay. There's a magic word. Let's definitely switch to the next step!"
Sakura: "Azusa, after a long time, he's gotten so strong. I was frustrated that Azusa would try Amasaki Mitsuyoshi's future first, but today I was a little convinced. Next time I'll kick each other and I'll never lose."
Anno, Mizumori, and Sakura commented in turn, then Nakano and Kurei left the room.