STARS's Iwatani Mayu and Hazuki, God's Eye's Juri and Kashima Saki, and EneXus V's Maika and Shirakawa Mina will join together to face off in a full-length match between Uetani Saya, Tora Natsuko, Watanabe Momo, Tekura, Ruka, and Rinan. Is the difference in the game whether the three units can unite in defeating H.A.T.E.?
Finally, when Kamiya was called, HATE attacked, and the match began on the outside of the game.
Rinan returns Kashima to the ring, stomps in the face, saying "This damn old lady!" and punches him with a whip. When Ryuuka locks Kashima's neck on the rope, everyone attacks. Kashima drop kicks the Astro Scissors from the corner. Using Ruka as a stepping stone, Hazuki drops the reserved Rinan and kicks a missile and face lock. Rinan goes into the cut, but Iwatani stops him. Iwatani and Hazuki divide H.A.T.E. with arm whips. Iwatani and Momo charge in and drop kicks. The Iwatani group competed in six face washes. Ryuuuka dodges Hazuki's scent and decides on the scent. When Hazuki responds, Ruka is aiming for a fisherman. Hazuki turns around, but Ryuuuka has a crossbody. Momo skewed and drop kicked Hazuki, then a middle kick pretending to be his second shot. Hazuki rounds up Maika and front kicks, while Shirakawa's medulla oblongata and Hazuki's cordbreaker combine. Juri kicks a soccer ball to Peach. Momo responds and gets a mid-kick. Juri also fought back and responded in the middle. Momo scratched her face, Natsuko gave a lariat, Rinan got a hip and Momo kicked in a middle kick. When Akari responds, Kamitani drops, skewered knee attacks, attacks in the face, and then gets a missile kick. When Juri responded, he also counted two complete shots. Maika hits elbows repeatedly at Kamitani. Kamitani replied with a series of elbows and said, "It's been a while!" The elbows intersect and glare at each other. Kamitani's Neil kick and Maika's lariat are dodged. Maika scores a shoulder tackle on Kamitani, but the second shot is thrust out the referee and gets a knee kick. Tekra submission from body attack. H.A.T.E. blocks the cut and supports Tekura. Tekura also kicks Maika off by saying, "It's been a while!" Maika is a power slam and sleeper at the counter. The Iwatani group will block the HATE cut and support them with a submission. Maika skewers and attacks Tekura. When H.A.T.E. burst into the ball and cut, Maika attacks one after another, and Tekra kicks her trawlers. Maika responds and repeatedly hits elbows, and Tekra holds back and gets on the ball. Tekra dodged it and thrust it. Maika hits a string of elbows, and Tekra also hits another shot from the counter elbows, big boots and apron. He went up to the corner and dived into Maika. Maika dodges and Iwatani and others skewer one after another. Shirakawa handed it over to Maika to Tekura. Rinan and Ruka combined, but Iwatani and Hazuki kicked traitors. Iwatani and Hazuki are on the off-row top page. Kashima and Shirakawa divide H.A.T.E., and Maika aims to defeat Tekura. Tekra rolls it up but it's two counts. Tekra elbows. The buzz saw of peaches and techra is dodged, and Maika makes a lariat into techra. Shirakawa will back elbow to Tekura, and Iwatani, Akari and Shirakawa will join together to announce "Stardom Tower." Maika and Hazuki join together to complete the event. And Maika is Texas and Michidora. Three counts came in, and Maika won.
Maika: "We were such a great group today, but wasn't it a particularly tough one? Perfect, hey. We celebrated our 14th anniversary of Stardom, and we held the show at Shinkiba 1st RING, but there were many players who couldn't come, so let's all take a photo today! We want to take a photo, don't we?" Iwatani
: "I want to take a photo, I want to take a photo. We took it last year too."
"Everyone is here!"
The players except for HATE appeared and went into the ring.
Maika: "Okay, we've gathered. It's the 14th anniversary of Stardom, but Iwatani Mayu will also be 14th anniversary, so I hope we will close the line today
." Iwatani: "No.... So I'd like to close, but what should I say? It's about the end of January 2025, Starda... What? It's the beginning. 2025 has begun, what do you say, is this? I don't know. With such a large number of "100,000" players with unique personalities, I hope you will continue to support each of your favourites with all your might. I would like to close today. Are you ready? Let's all go together.
"Believe in the present and shine tomorrow, We are Stardom!"
Maika: "The units are different, but justice always wins, so I was able to win safely. Thank you. As I have said many times, Stardom, I may have a real history of stardom, but I am prepared to fight against everyone at Stardom, so I would like to make this stardom even bigger and bigger. And Mayu. Congratulations on the 14th anniversary!"
Everyone: "Congratulations!"
Iwatani: "Thank you for celebrating so many times a few days ago. I'm not sure what the 14th anniversary is, so I'd like to do my best to make everyone celebrate the 15th anniversary. I hope you will continue to support me in the future. (To Kashima) When will your official debut be like a 14th anniversary?
Kashima: (June 2011)
Everyone: "Congratulations on the 14th anniversary!"
Kashima gives to Akari.
Akari: "I'm really happy to be able to join (stardom) as a DDM like that, and be a member of stardom like this, and I really think Stardom is the top organization, so I want to continue to run at the top in 2025 and shine."
Hazuki: "Everyone has the same feelings. I want to grow stardom.
" Shirakawa: "I'm the least experienced (of these), but I think Stardom is the best in the world in the world, so I'm going to spread stardom all over the world this year."
The players gradually left the room.
Kashima: "Disband!"
Maika goes alone.
Maika: "There's only one. Tekra, I haven't admitted that Tekra went to H.A.T.E. yet, and haven't listened to it. I want him to come back anytime. I mean, come back. I'll be waiting."