
"STARDOM in OSAKA 2025 Feb."

20 minutes, one win

8 minutes 57 seconds

Sakura Aya: One shrimp hard


STARS's Hanami & Mukogo Momo group and Cosmic Angels' Anno Saori and Sakura Aya group will be in a team match. Hanami and Mukaigo will be rematching the singles match at the Kobe tournament.
Sakura nominated "Hanami!" Hanami said, "I'm going," and bought a starting pitcher and came out. Sakura hits a string of elbows and then slams Hanami with a body slam. Hannan dodged Sakura's charge, then knee attacked from behind and drop kicked her back. When Mukaigo enters, Hanami doubles in, "Iida-chan let's go chop!" Anno tries to cut it, but Hanami is Anno. Mukou gives Sakura a series of reverse horizontal hits. Mukou has a deformed cobra twist on Sakura. Sakura escapes, but Mukoua puts his arms on the rope and tightens them. Hanami fires three body slams in a row. Sakura kicks a middle kick, and Hanami takes the ball with "It's so good!" "Now come!" said Hanami. He elbows after being hit by Sakura repeatedly. Sakura kicks a middle kick as Hanami's charge. Anno kicks a missile to Hannan. Hanami turns around to aim for the fisherman, but Anno slams him with Indian Death Rock and Mukaigo, who comes to cut, slams him with Fisherman. Hannan gives Anno a waist and runs elbow smash. Mukoro attacks Anno with a body attack. Anno returned the big boots. Sakura skewers back and knee kicks, drop kicks, and body slam. Mukaigo responds and goes to an elbow fight. Sakura invites her to come, stopping her charge afterwards and to a triangular choke. When Mukou escapes, Sakura kicks in a middle kick. He charges after returning, causing Mukouga to charge, but Hannan breaks in and slams him onto the mat. Mukairo cuts the neckbreaker, and Anno cuts it. Mukaigo aims for Sakura to Nectar Peach. Sakura rolled up. Sakura scored a high kick from Anno's assist and scored three counts.