A six-person tag match between Maika, Tsukiyama Waka and Rian from EneXus V, and Tora Natsuko, Watanabe Momo and Tekura from H.A.T.E. Maika is calling out to Tekura, but will there be some kind of answer in this match?
Maika wins her partner and faces Tekura. When Tekura thrusts her off, Maika grabs her throat and drives her to the rope. Tekura hits a slap and Maika repeatedly hits an elbow. Tsukiyama also drop kicks Tekura, but Tekura pushes him into the corner and glares at Maika. Momo kicks a soccer ball to Tsukiyama. Peach stomps from the elbow. Natsuko also joins in. Natsuko gives Tsukiyama a shoulder tackle. Tsukiyama assembles with a paro special, but Natsuko escapes. Natsuko dodges Tsukiyama's hip attack and brainbusters and body presses. When Tsukiyama responds, he dodged the charge and skewed Natsuko, causing a hip attack, dropkick, and hip attack. Maika dropped the techra and then Natsuko puts on a brainbuster. Natsuko cuts back, Momo catches Maika and Natsuko gets a lariat. Momo and Natsuko try to combine, but Maika works together as a brainbuster. Natsuko and Maika hit a lariat, while Natsuko has a crossbody and a scent. Tekra "Dusita?" kicks Maika in the face. When Tekura jumps over to Maika, she gets a transformed zanji-hardened version. Maika pushes her into the corner and makes a series of skewered lariats. He also repeatedly hits elbows and charges in. Tekra then thrusts her elbows and throws out a string of big boots. Tekra has a diving body attack from the corner and an arm cross. Maika is on top and the cover counts two. When Tekura charges, Maika gets a lariat. Rian offers a touch, enters the ring and sends a series of dropkicks to Tekura. When Tekura returns, he punches the abdomen and a face buster. When they intertwine in a submission, Maika cuts. Rien dodged Tekura's charge and combined with Tsukiyama, Maika joins him with a shoulder tackle, and Rien crossbody. Tekra responds and Riang is in Fisherman's stance. When Tekra holds in, Rian swings into the corner and H.A.T.E. attacks with a skewer, Momo kicks in a middle kick, and Tekra scores a spear. However, Maika's cut is in time. Tekura dodges Maika's lariat, and Momo pushes Maika, Tsukiyama, and Riñ into the corner, and Natsuko brings together a cannonball. 10 minutes have passed. Momo and Tekura competed with Rian to play a buzz-saw kick, and Tekura scored a poisonous smutty drop, and Rian was taken out of the 3rd count. After the match, H.A.T.E. assaulted Rian and other EXVs. Shirakawa Mina appears and kicks off H.A.T.E.