

Special Single Match Completely No Fall Rules



Juri: Winning a foul


Akari and Konami are in a single match. Akari is furious when Konami betrays Juri and lets go of the Goddess of Stardom Championship and moves to H.A.T.E. With Konami's proposal, the match was decided by a complete no-fall without a three-count fall. In the past, both have been playing against each other under the UWF rules. Will the match be decided as the title of the match be?
Akari charges in and gets a high kick and a buzz saw kick. The waves are down. When H.A.T.E.'s secondaries burst into the count of 9, the referee asked for a gong. In 33 seconds, Juri won a foul. A person appears and defeats Rinan with a high kick and Azusa with a front kick.
"Huh, nice to all Stardom fans. Fukuda Maya is Kotatsu Kiyoka. I have come to Stardom in search of the strength that only Stardom can have. I've always admired since entering the professional wrestling world, and I've always admired the strength of Juri. I want to learn about his strength and become stronger under such a player. Let me do it together as a god's eye."
Juri returns to the ring and shakes hands with Torayu.
Akari: "Konami! It's not like this! It's frustrating! Konami, is this the struggle you're looking for?! I want to play more and more with you! In 2025, I'll do one more time. Be prepared!"

"I'm so frustrated that this was the final match of Stardom in 2024! Konami, it's not like this, do you want to fight like this? H.A.T.E., I'll definitely crush it! Be prepared. In 2025, Konami, I'll do it again, absolutely. And Tiger Dragon Pyro Flower,"
he brings in Tiger Dragon.
Juri: "Thank you for coming today. You said you wanted to work with me, right? Of course, I was happy that I was told that I was like that too."
Torayu: "Looking at Juri today made me even more moving. I have a clear goal here. My goal is to wrap all the belts together, including professional wrestling, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts. And I will work hard to liven up the skills and thoughts of UWF, which I will inherit from coach Tamura Kiyoshi in this Reiwa style and pass on to the next generation, and to that end, with that goal. I look forward to working hard to liven up the ring of Stardom. I look forward to working with you from now on."
Juri: "As God's Eye in 2025"
Torayu: "Thank you."