

Special Tag Match

17 minutes 42 seconds

Small wave: Facial kick → body stiffness


A double preliminary battle between the World of Stardom Championship and Wonder of Stardom Championship. Red challenger Nakano Tamu and white champion Starlight Kid form a team that transcends the unit. The other side is H.A.T.E., by the red champion Kamiya Saya and the white challenger Konami. The Red Belt match will be held at Yokohama Arena on April 29th. What's more, the strict conditions are added: losers retire. After losing to Korakuen in March 3rd, Nakano leaves Stardom and follows the rules and enters the ring of Stardom as a freelance player... Meanwhile, the white belt battle was made possible in Ota Ward on March 15th. With the big one coming up a week, Konami's provocation seems likely to accelerate. Also, for Kid, Kamitani is an opponent he absolutely doesn't want to lose to. He once competed over a white belt, and now Kidd is wrapped around it. One of the highlights is the relationship between Kamitani and Kid.
Kid and Small Wave. Kamiya and Nakano glare at each other. Kamiya wins Konami and Nakano wins Kid to start. He slowly walked and gazeed at the center of the ring. He retreated and charged in, Nakano dropped backdrop, and the two teams joined, and Nakano pushed him into the corner and elbowed him. Kamitani passes by and the elbows intersect. Kamiya goes elbow, and Nakano takes it, stands and fights back. Kamitani hits repeatedly after the elbow exchange. Nakano elbows when Kamiya charges, and Kamiya gets a big boot at the counter and a missile kick. The game was out of the race, and Kamitani threw Nakano into the audience. Konami also puts Kid in the audience. Kamitani returns Nakano to the ring and brings in Kohami. When you swing it against the rope, it slams it off and then drops it from both sides. Konami kicks Nakano in the face. When fixed to the rope, the kid enters the cut, but Kamitani catches it, secures it all together on the rope, and H.A.T.E. attacks. Kamitani repeatedly stomps Nakano and stomps in the face. Uetani kicks Kid, who calls out to Nakano from the corner. Kamitani provoked him by saying, "Don't you want to retire!" Nakano hits a string of slaps, and Kamitani smiles and gives back the slaps. Nakano stops Kamiya from charging. Kamitani holds back the backdrop, but Nakano tries again and scores a backdrop. Komi bursts in and drops to Nakano. They merge with Kamitani, but Kid bursts in and they play a collaborative match with Corbata and Dropkick. Nakano charges into Kamitani. Nakano dodged and swan dives from the elbow. Nakano intercepts in a middle position and knee attacks. Nakano took the back and Uetani cut back and got a knee kick. Nakano spin kicks. Kid attacks a diving body to Kamitani and jumps in place with a moonsault press. Kamitani responded, and Kid slowly caused it, calling out "Ueya" and "Ueya" repeatedly elbowed. Kamitani fought back and hit a string of elbows. Kid charges in a row with chops. Kamitani holds out the referee and feints and dropskips him. A sliding kick on the kid and feint him to stiffen his armpits, cross his armpits, and swelled his armpits. When Kid escapes, Konami kicks his left arm. He then fixed it to the rope and attacked. Kid dodged the charge and went up to the corner and hit each other with an elbow. Small wave drops, but Kid drops. Nakano kicks a traurs as Kamitani bursts in. Nakano asks to fly the off-route plancha in two directions. A small wave is returned, with Kid taking the back 619, Nakano takes the back German, and Kid takes a rotating diving body press. However, Kohami responds. Kid also dodged the Moonsalt Press, a small wave dodged a knee attack, a high kick from the corner, and a German. Kid returns, and Konami declares a finish and buzzsaw kicks. The kid dodged it and stretch muffler. 15 minutes have passed. Kamitani enters the cut, but Nakano competes with Kamitani with a spin kick and Kid and Tiger Suplex. Nakano puts Kamiya outside, and Kid puts Tiger in a stance at Konami. When Konami turns around, Kamitani attacks Nakano with a swan dive body. After Kamitani's drop kick, Konami gets into the kid. Kamitani spins on Nakano and stars crusher. Konami aims at Kid and buzzsaw kicks. He fires another shot and then kicks him in the face. When the small waves covered one foot, the kid couldn't move, and he received a three-count.
Konami: "Kid, Kid, Kid! Wake up Kid! Hahahaha. Kid, have you resurrected our memories, or, no, trauma? Hahahaha. If today's face kick comes to the title match next week, I'd be unpleasant! Hahahaha. Oh, yeah, Nakano Tamu, if you have any worries in the freelance session, I'll always give you advice! I'll give you my phone number later. Kid, let's make next week's title match a hot and fun match! Hahaha. The bond between us as a classmate is the never-ending!"

Kamiya: "Nakano Tamu, I'm really annoyed. I'll completely eliminate him from stardom, no, from the professional wrestling world."
Konami: "Kid! Kid! Are you watching? Where did you go, Kid. Do you remember? That day. Kid said he was traumatized, but for me, that face kick is a precious memory with Kid. I'll continue to make more, no, next week even stronger. I'm looking forward to it. My classmate's friendship is the never-ending end."

Kid: "It might be Yokoari's last time. It's a different unit right now, but I was greeted with the intention of taking great care of today, where we can team up at this timing. I was saved by Tamu-chan about a year ago. I'm sorry."
Nakano: "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I got a lot of help today. Don't say that. It's definitely not the last time Yokoari. I'll win and come home."
Kid: "That's right. But there was that day when Tamu-chan helped me, so I turned forward. For the first time I was able to make my own choice. It's a different path now, but I haven't given back to Tamu-chan yet. I want to win singles. Tamu-chan."
Nakano: "Then... don't say it like the end, really. It's not the last time. I'll win with Yokoari and come home. Then, at that time..."
Nakano whispered to Kid.
Kid: "...I was able to hear it properly today.
" Nakano: "Did you get it right?"
Kid: "Yes. I got it. Right now. I'm going to do what I do as Wonder Champion. But don't forget to enjoy wrestling. Today, Konami was kicked so hard by him, and in a moment the memories of that day came back to me. But I won't lose. I won't lose. I will definitely clear this grudge with my own hands. I'll have a preliminary battle with Konami again tomorrow, but I have one thing I want to check in apart from Wonder with Konami, so please take a good look tomorrow."
Nakano: "As always, I'm talking a lot (lol)."
Kid: "This is SLK (lol)."