

8-person tag match


Neo Genesis's Starlight Kid, Hoshirai Mei, AZM, Suzuki Suzu and H.A.T.E.'s Tora Natsuko, Uetani Saya, Konami and Ryuuukatsu group face off in an eight-man tag match. The day before, in Yokohama, Konami won a fall over Kid in the main tag match. Kid and Konami will be their second consecutive day of preliminary matches for the Wonder of Stardom Championship match in Ota Ward on March 15th. Will Konami gain momentum with a winning streak, or will Kid get revenge and reach the big king?

Kid and Konami engaged, and both armies burst into the outside battle. Kid returns and Ruka slams him onto the mat. Ryuuuka uses a body press from a shoulder tackle to her left arm. Kamitani twists Kid's arm and double knee drops. Kamitani stands with open arms and Kid's elbow. Kamitani defeats him with an elbow, but Kid canters and elbows him. Kid dashes and is pulled out from under the ring. Natsuko and Ryuuuka combine to put their body presses. When Kid returns, Natsuko is a scent. When Kid returns, Natsuko gets a corvata. Suzuki skewers Natsuko with a knee. Kamitani bursts in and joins Natsuko. However, Suzuki splits and kicks Natsuko in the face from under the ring. Natsuko responds and Suzuki is in German's stance. Natsuko holds back and gives a lariat. Suzuki dodges the Senton, but he gets a backflip and a Senton. Ryuuku Natsu gives Suzuki a shoulder tackle and a senne. Suzuki and AZM combined, and Ryuuka dodged them and kicked them together. Suzuki kicks a soccer ball in Ryuuhana. Hoshirai performs a lariat and missile kick in Ryuuhana. When Ryuuka responds, Hoshirai gives a modified camel clutch. Kamitani blocks Hoshirai's dash, and Ryuuka crossbody. Hoshirai and Ryuuka exchange elbows. Ryuukuka puts a feint on Hoshirai. When Kid appears, he gets a drop kick with Ruka, Konami, Konami, and Konami. 10 minutes have passed. Kid repeatedly stomps from the knee crusher to his right knee, jumping in-situ moonsault and stretch muffler. Neo Gene is skewered and attacking small waves. Konami pushes Kid into the line, and H.A.T.E. enters a series of skewered attacks. Konami slams Kid into the mat, but it's two counts. Konami submissions to Kid. When the kid escapes, a small wave gets a high kick. Small waves kick in the middle as Kid's charge. When Kohaku goes up to the corner, AZM drops, and Suzuki and Hoshirai combine to slam them. The kid has a small wave-turning diving body press. However, H.A.T.E. cuts. The kid has a stretch muffler with small waves. Konami turns around and gets a high kick, Triangle Lancer. However, AZM cuts. From the close, Kohami attracted Kamitani and made a double comedy. Kid returns, and Konami sets his target and buzzsaw. When Kid dodged, AZM kicked and Momo☆Latched. Konami couldn't respond and Kid won.

Konami: "Hey Kid, congratulations on my first victory in my 10th year. I'm happy. I'm happy. So I have to celebrate you in a great way today."

H.A.T.E. sprays party spray on the kid. Spray it on Neo Gene

Konami: "I'm happy to celebrate H.A.T.E. next week's match against Wonder is exciting, so don't be surprised if my leg will break or your arm will break. I'll make for a fun match."

Kid: "Hey, don't be kidding me, don't be fooled. I won't let you do what I did yesterday. Hey, Kamitani, Kamitani, we've been saying that we didn't want to lose to Kamitani. But is there a chance that we might retire at Yokohama Arena? Don't you kid yourself. So before that, just go for a single match. The atmosphere of the fans is so intense that we're all in the moment. At times like these, I should be playing a pure battle as a champion. Belt has both been defending each other, so I don't want to interfere with the way we live. Do it for the fans and me!"

Kamiya: "Don't just say it like a retirement road without permission, Barka. I understand, I'll deal with you, I'll deal with you. Kitten!"

"You've got your consent! I'm thinking about where I want to do it, but I think you can listen to it. Okinawa is making its first appearance in Stardom! Can I play this card in Okinawa for the sake of our fans and everyone who comes from all over Japan in Okinawa? If you can't come and see it, please take a look at it on PPV. I think Neo Gene would like to close out then."

Suzuki: "Do you know tomorrow? Tomorrow, referee Barb Sasaki will be performing independently at Korakuen Hall. Apparently we will be able to see a sold-out RPV. I've been in a while so I'm able to shed blood, so my whole body is slurping!"

Kid: "Thank you so much for gathering today. We hope you will continue to look forward to Neo Genesis!"